Getting the ick-feeling when being sold to is unfortunately not rare. As purpose driven female entrepreneur and spiritual being you might ask yourself: How can you be a role model and sell with integrity at the same time?

“This is me on the sofa of a friend, because I had nowhere to go. And this is me today with my multi-million $ mansion, my yacht, and me and my beautiful in front of my Maserati.”

These thoughts are popping into my head watching a webinar the other day about how to sell your services.

I’ve to admit that this guy was not half as “bro marketing” as the one that engraved the above sentence in my sarcastic memory. But still…

I did not relate to that guy.

Oddly enough, cos… He’s a coach.
Offering a selling technique for coaches.
Sporting a lot of really great testimonials.

Sounds pretty much like someone I’d consider learning from myself.


He did not get me excited.

It was all too much numbers driven. About not earning enough for living and now making millions. Helping others to do the same.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…

Been there, done that, smoked that pipe!

This is the story, that I heard like what feels a million times before.

It’s a story men tell (you know… whipping photos out… my house, my boat, my wife…)

It’s hardly, if at all infused with meaning and purpose. Yet sometimes you can find the purpose when you listen attentively enough.
(And I apologize to all the great men out there, who are different! I know you are there too…)

But mostly the story is really generic.

Still, they sell and make good money. How comes?

Their selling power comes from the underlying promise to give you one tool that is so powerful that nothing else matters. On top is packed a lot of selling psychology, pushing on different emotional triggers.

The personality of the teacher and mentor is not in the focus there. It feels like you are buying from a machine – and not someone who could be a role model for you.

I believe that guys who sell this way spoiled marketing for a lot of coaches, who are following their heart and just want to leave their mark in the world.

Because we learn by modeling.

So, we watch the successful people to model their approach.

And then – it feels all wrong, awkward and salesy.

But what if you want to sell with integrity, showing your personality?

It’s easy and challenging at the same time.

You will have to step up and out of your comfort zone.

Telling your story and showing up as yourself.

With your unique story – the story that is YOU.

You will compel some and repel others.

Because of who you are and sharing your views – even if you’re just staring out.

If you are anything like me, you will shed a few tears one day or the other, thinking “why the heck does it have to be so hard?”

And then there will be the days where you talk to someone on a level that feels very connected and you know, it’s all worth it.

Marketing then means showing up and just letting people know you are out there.

What you are standing for and who you help to achieve xyz.

Sharing your clear message whenever you can.

Keep moving

P.S. To show you how powerful getting clarity around your message can be I’d like to share what my client Birgit, a systemic coach and shamanic healer, said:

“I love my new clarity, my defined offers and pricing – now I have a lot less stress!

With Christiane’s help I got access to my inner wisdom. By uncovering my own values and ideas I finally defined my ideal target groups and programs. Even though the process was very demanding and I had to deal with my business and myself very honestly and intensively, I am now excited about the result and happy to get inquiries of my dream clients every week!”


Hi, I’m Christiane. Borderline obsessed with helping health & life coaches transform their businesses into a profitable & rewarding experience – whether it’s money in the bank or clients on your books.


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Inspiration – Mindset


January, 11th 2022

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About The Author

Christiane Mohr

Hey there! I’m Christiane. Marketing Expert with an actual Masters in Marketing. Obsessed with helping health & personal development coaches. Also dedicated to running & finding the best cheesecake in town.

And I have a secret…

It’s not about how many Facebook followers you have but how you talk about your offers and who you’re the right fit for.

I help health & personal development coaches to build an ethically rooted & profitable business by defining their niche and their stand-out offer that they love to talk about (and fearlessly).

Here’s your roadmap to nailing your niche and attracting your dream clients with ease!

Want to stand out with a clear and enticing statement about who you help and what you do for them?

Snag my checklist-style workbook to ponder on the right questions so you can confidently choose your niche and create success in your health coaching business!

“This process helped me finally let go of wanting to help everybody with anything and aligned my business to myself.” – Daniela Pade


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