Do you earn what you deserve?


Are you an alternative practitioner or coach in the field of health or personal development and your business doesn’t work the way you want it to? Would you like to do more, help more people and play your gift to the full?

But instead of taking up full speed, you’re bumming around. You struggle to explain exactly what you do and how you achieve results for your clients. You don’t have enough customers or even the wrong ones. Those with who you don’t enjoy working, or who even drain your energy.

Or you work almost all the time, making it right for your customers, but your own work-life balance falls by the wayside?

And last but not least you don’t even demand a fair energy balance, because you don’t dare to set a reasonable price.

You feel neither financially free nor prepared for the future…


What if in a few weeks you could set the course for more success and freedom?

Imagine you could effortlessly and with conviction express the benefits you bring to your customers in any situation.

Every new encounter could bring you a new customer or a recommendation, even though you are completely relaxed and just telling what you are doing for whom.

You don’t have to worry that your practice won’t work anymore, you can support your family and you don’t have to attack your reserves to take a holiday – or even do without a holiday.

You can choose the customers with whom you prefer to work and for whom you get the best results. You can even afford to take on “pro bono” customers if that’s important to you.

You can schedule your day and break free when you want. You are the designer of your life and your business!

How does this feel? Sound good?

Hello, my name is Christiane Mohr

and my heart beats for healers and coaches

A few years ago, I had a turning point in my life: My father was diagnosed with cancer. And even though he was more into orthodox medicine all his life, he asked me to do research for him.

Since my youth I have had a passion for health and had even started training as a classical homeopath, but the little hypochondriac in me made my life hell. But my fascination for alternative healing methods remained.

After my father died, however, the topic did not let me go, and I published a book on cancer prevention – written from the perspective of family members and incorporating my experiences as an energy healer.

I set up the appropriate blog and was booked for THEKI® sessions. But it didn’t do me any good. I adopted every energy and I could not let go of what happened during the sessions.

Nevertheless I wanted to make my contribution. And when I realized how difficult most alternative practitioners and coaches find it to present their services clearly and benefit-oriented, my path was clear.

I decided to combine my 20 years of marketing experience with my personal strengths and passion. I help alternative health professionals win more clients by clearly communicating their unique expertise so that they increase their impact and income.

But what I have learned from this episode of my life is very important: if you don’t start with yourself, you can end up completely wrong.

You could end up with the wrong patients who leave you exhausted…

You could take the wrong marketing campaigns, which only burden you, but yield nothing…

I was working against myself. And while I had the right tools and did the same things that I did successfully for my marketing clients, I sabotaged myself because deep down inside my inner wisdom knew it was wrong.

In hindsight it seems crystal clear, but in those years I could have used someone at my side to guide me with empathy and brain to use my unique gifts in a way that would bring the greatest benefit without jeopardizing my own happiness.

Christiane Mohr - Niching & Marketing Strategy Mentor -

I love my new clarity, my defined offers and pricing – now I have a lot less stress!

Before I joined Christiane’s “Successful Health Professional” Masterclass in 2019 I had no marketing strategy for my health coaching practice and my website was outdated. Whilst my business “went very well” I worked too much for too low an income. Plus, I wanted to structure my range of offers and make it more efficient.

With Christiane’s help I got access to my inner wisdom. By uncovering my own values and ideas I finally defined my ideal target groups and programs. Even tough the process was very demanding and I had to deal with my business and myself very honestly and intensively, I am now excited about the result and happy to get inquiries of my dream clients every week!

Birgit Käufl, Energie Balance Coaching – Bad Tölz

This is how your way to clarity and success looks like…

This is what our journey together looks like in detail…

During the program we will work together on the 5 core modules that I will deliver to your email account over 8 weeks. For each module you will receive extensive worksheets to guide you through the process.

So you don’t lose your way and to clarify all your questions, we have a live training call & a hot seat in each module where we roll up our sleeves to get you the clarity you need to create a powerful message.

Throughout the program there are more possibilities to get feedback and help, e.g. in the secret facebook group and our dedicated #Askme thread.

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Start with a FREE
More Impact NOW! Mini Coaching

We’ll look at where you are & where you want to go.

You’ll leave with insights and tips you can act on right away – whether we work together or not!

No shame. No blame. Just solutions.

* Explore your next steps on the road to creating a successful business as a naturopath, health or personal development coach*

Christiane’s analysis has shown me where I stand and what I need to do to reach my goal. Her wrap up and specific suggestions brought me a big step forward on my way.  – Sabine T., Coach